Conversion cuántica de frequencia

Authors: Oscar Adrián Jiménez Gordillo, Yiming Lai, Antonio Badolato

Research in Computing Science, Vol. 131, pp. 29-36, 2017.

Abstract: Quantum frequency conversion of non-classical states of light allows the integration of different quantum systems working at different energies. The conversion process consists in combining two optical fields in a nonlinear medium to generate a third field that is equal to the sum of the two inputs. To fulfill the momentum conservation required by this process, we need to compensate for wave vector mismatch between the output and input beams. This is achieved by using a grating in the nonlinear medium, a process named quasi-phase matching. In this work we will use a periodically poled Lithium Niobate LiNbO3 (PPLN) waveguide as the nonlinear material. We aim to develop high efficiency, low loss, and high fidelity quantum frequency conversion. The specific objective is to transduce photons emitted by quantum dots from NIR wavelengths (? > 1.1 µm) to visible wavelengths (< 0.70 µm), where single photon silicon detectors perform best.

PDF: Conversion cuántica de frequencia
PDF: Conversion cuántica de frequencia